NewJeans Minji and Danielle's messages to Bunnies

 [theqoo - hot] NewJeans Minji's Phoning just now

date: 02/09/2024

M: Hi Bunnies, the weather is so nice today, I was hoping summer would end quickly since I couldn't stand the heat, but now that the sky is clearer and fall is approaching, I feel a bit restless. There have been various things happening today and over the past week that I wanted to share with you, but I haven't been able to. I wanted to comfort and let all of the Bunnies who came in to check on me and comfort me that I'm okay and I want to thank you for your support but I wasn't confident this time round.

It’s been frustrating to feel like I can’t fix anything and that nothing has really been resolved. Even now, as I write this, I still feel like I haven’t been able to do anything about the situation and that nothing has truly been resolved. I don’t know how long these anxious days will continue, but it can be selfish to say this, but I don't want our Bunnies and us to have a hard time anymore.

I'm sorry I sent this at this late hour have a good night

I hope it doesn't get hard for the kids.....

original source


  • Actually, the ones who are having the hardest time right now are the NewJeans members, even when they the fans were worried for them, they couldn't say anything, but they are always comforting their fans first... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • I can feel the anxiety in her writing, oh my ㅠㅠ
  • What on earth did the members do wrong...
  • Their oldest was only born in 2004... What the f*ck are these 50-something old men doing to step on thess kids?
  • It makes me cry to think that they think saying something like this could be selfish ㅠ Shit... What did the kids do wrong? They said they were doing it for NewJeans, but if they really kicked Min HeeJin out without any selfish intentions, then NewJeans should have been reassured
  • Why are you doing this to the kids who are doing well? I hate HYBE so much, I need to boycott all of them.
  • They are doing such bad things to these young kids who are working so hard. This has been going on for 6 months since April. What the hell are they doing?
  • It's not even her fault, I'm crying so hard...
  • Ah, I'm crying... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Why on earth do these babies have to go through this? Those little shitheads
  • I don't think they wanted to show that they were having a hard time ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Cheer up......
  • Even when things were really chaotic, I was cheering for them because I saw all the members were working so hard but how hard must it have been for them... I feel so bad ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • The kids who should only be seeing good things and growing up... because of those fucking HYBE uncles
  • If you're going to change the damn system, shouldn't you have communicated with the artists in advance or given them trust? They were so eager to take down the CEO that they're doing stupid things like abandoning the artists and deleting the archives. What are you talking about protecting NewJeans, you bastards?
  • Ah ㅠㅠㅠ It hurts my heart so much. At such a young age, it must have been so unfair to be treated so unfairly like this but it's worst for these kids who have to endure it all silently ㅠㅠㅠ If she is talking about it on Phoning, just how hard must it have been for them?
  • The saddest and most frustrating thing about this situation is that the members who are the most hurt and have to endure in silence are the members who are only in their early 20s. There are people who have actually suffered damage. I'm honestly really worried that they might be mentally exhausted. Minji, who always took care of the other members and although she's not the leader, took the lead and led others like a leader, is ultimately just a young young woman. The company's ruthless politics, gaslighting, lies and unflattering comments don't care about the means and methods of anything. The NewJeans members must be enduring it day by day more than anyone else. It's so sad and regrettable. I hope the NewJeans members are safe, both mentally and physically. It's even more regrettable because I can feel all the feelings in her message.
  • Even if we look at the external aspects as ordinary people like us, we can see that everything is going badly for NewJeans, so how bad must it be internally? It's so sad that the kids are going through something they don't have to at a young age.
  • These kids really don't usually show this kind of attitude at all ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ How hard must it have been for them ㅜㅜㅜ
  • ㅠㅠㅠ They never usually have said anything like this before since they usually only say nice things to fans and comfort them ㅠㅠㅠ I'm so heartbroken ㅠㅠㅠ
  • Just looking at Minji's writing, it seems like she has a lot of worries and concerns...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • She was the type of kid who never showed any signs of having a hard time, but now she's having a hard time... I feel so bad... I wish I could help her in some wayㅠㅠ
  • Minji is a really sincere person who always asks her fans if they're okay and goes on a 4-hour live chat app every day, but after about a week of no news, she uploaded this long message..

 [theqoo - hot] NewJeans Danielle's Phoning...

date: 02/09/2024

D: I just needed a bit of time to think so I wasn't able to contact you guys
D: Sorry 😔💖
D: Our Bunnies must have been so worried and surprised ㅠㅠ 

D: Ever since Daepyonim got dismissed, it's been really hard and I had a lot of worries ㅠㅠ
D: I think for a moment I had a mental breakdown!
D: I felt really uneasy
D: There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you guys though. And how you must be feeling
D: I always wanted to show Bunnies our bright and happy side only🥺

D: Just know that we're always so very grateful for our Bunnies and we're always thinking of you 😭
D: I love you
D: Have a good sleep Bunnies

original source


  • ㅠㅠ I'm so heartbrokenㅠㅠ I hope it gets resolved wellㅠㅠ
  • I know they must have had a hard time since April, but when I look at the members' posts, they all only show their strong sides, but this time, it hurts my heart to see them expressing their hard time ㅠㅠㅠ
  • Ah this really hurts
  • No seriously, what crime did the kids commit?
  • There must be more things we don't know about. Bang Si-hyuk is really like the devil. Why did he do that? He'll do more in the future. He's really interfering with what Min is trying to do.
  • How much of a heartache must they have gone through to say this? HYBE, reflect on yourself and stop harassing NewJeansㅜㅜ
  • Dani is a child who always radiates bright energy to everyone around her like a sunflower, but seeing her struggling like that makes me so sad and makes me want to cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
  • No seriously, how frustrating and difficult must it be to say something like this to fans? This is really too much HYBE.
  • Danielle...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ She was always so bright and smiley like a sunflower, she's like an angel...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ  
  • Why can't they just let them pursue their own dreams? These grown adults are really pathetic. F**k
  • Do you think a company that doesn't kick out drunk drivers is in their right mind? They're the top company who are ruining the K-pop scene right now. What did these kids do wrong? ㅋㅋㅋ They're all just companies that see artists as pieces on a Go board.
  • This was expected when Min HeeJin was fired. How can HYBE leave New Jeans alone? What a fucking petty piece of trash company.
  • Babiesㅠㅠ I'm so sad that there's nothing I can do for you. Let's cheer up, I love you
  • NewJeans fans stay strong.... I really feel bad. I really hoped that NewJeans' activities would go well no matter what, but I didn't think HYBE would do such transparent and gangster things as soon as the CEO changed.....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • How hard must it be for everyone? I'm not even a fan but I'm crying. Isn't the oldest person in NewJeans only 20? What are they doing to these kids?
  • They were suddenly separated from the only adult they could rely on among adults who didn't even greet them. How could these young kids be okay? Ahㅜㅜ
  • Since April, the members of NewJeans have never once shown a single hint of suffering and have always shown a bright side. This is the first time for them to show their pain.. (((New Jeans))) don't go
  • The NewJeans kids are so pitiful. What did they do wrong? It's so pitiful that the kids are being rolled like dice by these old men. ㅜㅜㅜㅡ Stop harassing our NewJeans kids. Hey, old men, please stop harassing them. This isn't like malicious comments, this is harassing real life people
  • NewJeans babiesㅠㅠ It'll be hard, but I hope you guys can hold on.. I'm rooting for you with my heart


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