[instiz] Ah I was watching NewJeans Danielle MC but TXT Huening Kai's fatherly smile
This is so warm and cute, sunbae Huening Kai ㅠㅠ
ㅜㅜ 카이 선배님 pic.twitter.com/Hvh4EmceVH
— ໊ (@archivefor00) January 29, 2023
1. Their visuals are the best
2. Both of them are so pretty and handsome, this is so warm to see
3. They both have the faces that would be on Netflix seriously... This is so warm to watch ㅠㅠ
4. Kai is a sunbaenim. But can someone make these two be the MCs just once, it's my wish
5. This two-shot makes me feel happy
6. They look like they'd be on Netflix, they're really the best
7. The two-shot that makes my eyes happy
8. Danielle was the special mc???
9. Ah Kai's smile what do I do
10. I like how they both look like they'd be on Netflix
11. The two people with the Netflix faces...
12. Kai is the sunbaenim now ㅠㅠㅠ
[theqoo] Danielle's face is small even amongst female idols right?
It's freaking small
1. Her face is so freaking small ㅇㅇ
2. Heol it's so small
3. After seeing this picture, it really is
4. Her face is small and her torso is slim too
5. Sometimes when she wears a hat, it covers her face so she can't see
6. When you look at the average female idol, her face is small ㅇㅇ Her body is also small too
7. Seeing this, her body is also small too
8. Her face is so small and her bone structure is crazy
9. I think her overall body structure is slim too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. I think out of all the celebrities, her face is the smallest, it's really small
11. Her face is seriously so small
12. Wow seriously every time I see her I get so surprised by how small her face is
[instiz] In my opinion, I want to see Jeon Somi, Huening Kai, Danielle and Vernon MC at least once together
They're all people who are the epitome of High-Teen
1. Heol that would be so fun I want to see it
2. Heol I want to see the 4 of them perform on stage together too
- Woah this is good too, all the high-teen people together
3. It would be nice if any music broadcasting station casts them at the end of year shows
4. Heok I like this so much ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. Please have this combination anywhere
6. Make this happen right now.
7. This makes me so curious
8. All the broadcasting stations, pay attention to this
9. Oh! It's a combination that I would love to see at least once
10. Make them do it now!!
11. It's funny how people started suggesting this after earlier on today
12. Their visuals would be insane, just this combination, whatever they do it'll be daebak
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