NewJeans sold out their very first fan-meeting in 5 minutes

 [daum] NewJeans sold out all 8,000 seats of their first fan-meeting in 5 minutes

Yes, all seats sold out in 5 minutes



1. I wanted to go too but there were no more seats left for me... 

2. If it's NewJeans and it's their first one, 4,000 seats is too small, get a bigger venue next time

3. I want to go too

4. No but why are there only 8,000 seats, please get a bigger venue...

5. I knew that it was going to be sold out

6. I should join the fanclub ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. The pre-order is sold out... There was no hope for me anyways... I'll cheer for you guys on my phone

8. Heok I didn't know they were selling today I must be crazy ㅠㅠ 

9. I'm going!!! Our God-babies I can't wait!!!!!

10. Once again, there's no seat for me...

11. Heol wasn't today priority for those in the fanclub...? What about those without a fanclub membership...?

  • General admission sales open later! There may be some cancellation tickets that may be for sale too

12. Wow if they had a concert it would be no joke

13. Daebak I want to see NewJeans too...

14. I want to go too. They only have a few songs so they'll also perform other different songs, I want to see what songs they'll perform

15. It's incredible that they could fill up 2 days at Handball Stadium... These days the scale of female idol's fan meetings are shocking
